Friday, June 5, 2020


I looked at The Film Space from the FDA. Mark Batey who is the Chief Executive of the FDA showed us in his videos the essential roles of the distributor.


Something to take into consideration is what is the film going to be about? Don't just focus on things such as the genre but how have other films similar and recent films performed. There must be a clear position of a film and state who it is for and what it is about.


Students and young adults such as those in their 20s make up most cinema-goers however it has recently been seen that the audience bracket has been widening from ages up to 8 years old to 80.

On-Page 71 statistics show that the age 16-34 age bracket is the largest audience sector. 91% of whom went to the cinema in 2018, which accumulated a total of 77 million visits. The FDA has realised that TV audiences are ageing (over half of TV audiences fit inside the over 54 category) whilst another survey by OFCOM found that 48% of 12-15-year-olds picked YouTube as their favourite and preferred platform and 19% chose Netflix. These figures will most likely have a huge influence on how distributors marketing their films to audiences.


This is a very important decision as more than 700 feature films are realised every year, from little independent low budget films to big hitters such as big hitters like star wars and Spectre. This makes the market extremely competitive and means you must get your timing right to make urself stand out.

Outside factors can sometimes control how the box office works despite the very detailed planning. This can be shown from factors such as the weather or a football match due to the cinema market being product-driven. This was shown with the FIFA world cup fixtures competed for audiences from the cinema market. The third weekend in April had very nice warm and sunny weather after a cold winter, outside factors such as these control the demand and desire for cinema-goers.


How is a broad question as you need to ask equations such as, who is it for? How much can we afford to bring it to market and promote it? How many cinemas are willing to play it? It is all specific for that individual film how they can achieve the best distribution plan.

The FDA has estimated that UK film distributors investment in bringing 916 new titles to the market in 2018 which exceeded £350 million.

The FDA explains (page 77-79) the different types of marketing strategy: FDA estimates that UK film distributors’ investment in bringing 916 new titles to market in 2018 exceeded £350m. Around half of this is paid-for UK-wide advertising, using many digital, social and physical media outlets. The remainder is formed of many components: advertising, poster and trailer production; publicity and premiere costs; and digital cinema packages to be supplied to cinemas in many formats. The FDA added that although the UK is a large cinema territory in terms of box-office receipts, the high costs of marketing and distribution mean relatively low returns for the distributor. It is hard to 'cut through' in a congested marketplace and the fact that it is so crowded makes decisions on release dates very tough.

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1 comment:

  1. Solid evidence of your research and grasp of the distribution process. You have drawn on both the FDA site materials and the FDA yearbooks for 2019 and 2020.
