I watched Kezia Williams deliver a presentation on what theatrical distribution at Pathe does.Williams shared that distributers work to create a successful marketing campaign for each film. I investigated the different aspects of a marketing campaign for a specific recent film like:

  • Film website
  • Film posters
  • Film trailers
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Twitter
  • Cross promotion/ product tie-ins (like Heineken and James Bond in SkyFall and Spectre, Toyota and Star Wars)
  • News articles, interviews, award ceremonies

Kezia Williams explained that, in a congested marketplace, a distributor's aim was too position a film in a way that it stood out for its target audience. Similarly, Chris Besseling offered me a series of insights into how distributors market a film's USP (Unique Selling Point) such as its star cast, its provenance (such as literary adaptation or biopic credentials), its awards and good reviews.
Matt Smith of the FDA tells us that spend on digital has increased enormously. For instance, trailers are now cut to portrait viewing on smart phones. Digital includes all social media platforms (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc) that work as a synergistic whole in promoting a product. Matt Smith also refers to paid-for marketing as distinct from the free publicity. Social media can generate viral marketing-free publicity. 

Social media

Social media is a great way for those interested in that film to engage. Some may not even know the film story line but is interested in this upcoming film purely based on i.e, where it is set, the main actors, directors etc. This helps build that momentum before the film is already released, 'hyping' this upcoming movie.

Film Websites:

Film websites allow those who want to see exactly what will happen within the movie. They are able to see all the movies resources such as posters, trailers and the cast. This will please those who want to know background behind how it was made and who made the film before going to go watch it.


For Blumler and Katz,  audiences use media to gratify their needs. One need is the pleasure of forming relationships. One way Joker has used this is by using the actors Joaquin Phoenix, this would attract those who watch this specific actor purely because of who he is regardless of the storyline. This acts as an excellent marking strategy 


  1. Evidence of genre research; cohesive approach to branding; very confident application of genre conventions to website design; excellent use of layout, colour, interactive features, linked pages, engaging home page that signals horror/ ghost genre; informative and easy to use.

  2. YOUR WEBSITE Your website for Charlotte functions smoothly and is easy to navigate, with scroll-down pages, four individual tabs and two convergent links to social media. The landing page declares the film's name boldly and anchors the film in the ghost story genre with its backdrop of the twin towers of The Belvedere rising behind, an image which is used consistently throughout the promo pack and which plays an important role in the trailers. The film's tagline, which appears on the posters, underlines the ghost story genre. The misty grey and blood red colours connote mystery and danger. The layout on all the pages is consistent with the theme but also strikes individual notes, with key terms highlighted to draw the eye. The film festival page shows knowledge of how independent cinema relies on screenings.

  3. YOUR WEBSITE Your website for Charlotte functions smoothly and is easy to navigate, with scroll-down pages, four individual tabs and two convergent links to social media. The landing page declares the film's name boldly and anchors the film in the ghost story genre with its backdrop of the twin towers of The Belvedere rising behind, an image which is used consistently throughout the promo pack and which plays an important role in the trailers. The film's tagline, which appears on the posters, underlines the ghost story genre. The misty grey and blood red colours connote mystery and danger. The layout on all the pages is consistent with the theme but also strikes individual notes, with key terms highlighted to draw the eye. The film festival page shows knowledge of how independent cinema relies on screenings. A sophisticated website with excellent layout that amply demonstrates very confident and convincing knowledge of genre conventions. A clear eye for style, using images and colours that signal the ghost / thriller / horror genre and that work harmoniously together both on the website and within the whole promo pack, creating a cohesive whole. The site functions smoothly. There could be more images on the Gallery page.
