Friday, June 19, 2020


Distributors will eventually look at how they distribute a film. They will need to focus on the cost of the campaign. The FDA website states that there are two important factors that distributors focus on when looking at the costs which are: 


Above the line costs. These costs will be spent on creating marketing materials such as trailers and poster, purchasing media advertising such as websites, website banners, radio adverts or newspaper adverts etc. Finally is creating an online presence such as social media platforms that are commonly used, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.


Below the line costs. When you are a public figure in a certain industry such as in the film industry, it builds further awareness and interest into a certain film. Some distributors use editorial interviews and authored articles are sometimes generally more trusted. Such events to build awareness could be special access to the stars and fans who wait alongside the red carpet for such things as, autographs and selfies.


Advertising a film will be the most expensive part of ant P&A budget. In the UK, rates for advertising are very expensive. The most common form of advertising option for distributors are:

 - TV advertising  - Social media networks - Press advertising  - Websites - Trailers - Posters - Radio advertising - Merchandise  - Cross-promotion


The Image of the poster, just make thew audience aware of the existence of the film and entice us to go and watch it along with putting across ideas of what the film could possibly be about. Most posters want to include stars of the film,  credits and often if its effective the tag line.

The art and main image and design of a films poster is called 'ket art'. This is central to the films identity and an essential feature of its release campaign. An effective poster is able to catch the eye of a potential viewer and is able to temp the mind.

If the film follows a series of films or is a sequel, its poster must immediately make it similar and able to recognise it is a continuing series. If the film being release is an original, the poster has to be able to be bold and eye-catching and make their message and branding heard to anyone who witnesses.

The posters have the potential to put its message across in numerous ways such as:

 - The colours being used (and how bright they are)

 - The image or images used on the poster and the sizing o them

 - The size of specific eye-catching words on the poster 

 - The use of familiar faces of experienced and favourable actors.

 - The style of the poster such as the graphics and any other words used on the poster.

 - The certificate awarded.



A film trailer is one of the most cost-effective ways of advertising in the film industry as they are shown in cinemas to an audience that will most likely be engaged by the following along with websites and TV. A trailer will give a brief insight into what to expect when watching. The trailer will be a selection of interesting and captivating clips to help grab and retain the audience's attention whilst creating awareness of the upcoming film and generating the 'must-see' attitude from audiences.
A trailer will give an audience:

- What the story will consist of/what it's about
- The talent of the film such as who is in the film
- The genre of the film
- Key dates such as when the film will be released

Trailers are generally categorised into four different ways:

- The T.V spot
- Teaser Trailer
- Full trailer
- On-set bios published by the key members of the cast or crew members


Teaser trailers are released way before a full trailer to help build hype and anticipation generally a whole year before. A full trailer will help enhance that anticipation when it is released 1-2 months before release while TV spots place themselves at 1-2 weeks before initial release.


Pride and Prejudice and Zombies

The trailer is interesting to watch and high-quality production is clear when watching. Two main factors were editing and sound which helped to reinforce the genre of the film. By establishing the genre of the film it will help establish an audience that identifies itself with enjoying that specific genre. The clear hook and engagement of the film is the way women are portrayed, as strong and dominant figures going against what is socially acceptable at the time. Another hook is a familiar actor, Lily James who will help entice viewers who have previously enjoyed films she played a role in such as Cinderella. There is a deep and engaging contrast of the trailer starting with women doing usual women hobbies with calming classical music playing for it to change dramatically e.g. violence and a drastic change in music. 

In the heart of the sea

The sound that runs throughout the trailer is one that is quite and calm but slowly reaches a crescendo as the tension increases. To reinforce this crescendo, at the start you hear the natural dietetic sound of the ocean and the boat moving to then crashing sounds of the boat. The overall lighting is dark which makes It hard for the viewer to understand what is going on, almost as confused as the character at the start. One of the films major hooks is using very popular and recognisable actors such as Tom Holland and Chris Hemsworth. This will help draw in audiences who generally watch films they are in regardless of the story or genre. The pace of the editing is very fast and making it dramatic and captivating for thrill-seeking audiences.


This trailer is about an emotional true story of those 33 men who were trapped underground in Chile. There was one very strong message that some audiences will be able to relate to and that's the government saying they will take action but never do. I think this story will mostly grab though seeking adventure thriller with a warm and happy ending into how 33 men work together for survival. The music being used is one that is recognised and known for its mention which further heightens the emotional tone of the trailer. The general lighting of the trailer is dark which helps create a deeper and realistic understanding and perception of what the miners were going through.


On the FDA website, you are able to put your creative skill to use and play around with the trailer making tool. The tasks were sliced up clips of the Suffragette film trailer and place them in an appropriate order and one that makes sense while adding sound alongside. One difficulty I did find was the smoothness of the transitions as we couldn't manually cut the clips ourselves such as in iMovie or FinalCut Pro but added to the challenge. 

1 comment:

  1. Very good work: this post covers a great deal of ground about distributor's campaigns and is very relevant to your research into trailers.
